Spring Has Sprung, Is Your Body Ready?
In 5 Element Acupuncture, Spring is the season of Wood Element, the time of rising yang energy, creativity and birth
Each Element has organs assigned to it… and each organ has mental and physical functions to perform. Thanks to 5 Element acupuncture I can treat my patients physical symptoms but also emotional side.⠀
The Wood Element has two organs known as Officials: Liver and Gall Bladder.
The Liver helps us with planning for future, give us capacity to look ahead, mentally gives us reason to exist and physically is managing the flow of Qi and Blood. If our Liver is out of balance it will manifest in our body in a form of anaemia, can cause poor joints, arthritis, numbness in our limbs. We might have weak nails and dry eyes. Also will influence our mood, in women this will manifest as PMT we will become more irritable or emotional. If the flow of Qi and Blood is not smooth women will have clots in menstrual blood and will experience pain, cramps.⠀
The Gall Bladder is in charge of making decisions, if out of balance we will find very difficult to make any decisions. Physically it helps us move our limbs, if out of balance we will suffer from stiffened of the joints and movement disabilities.⠀
Spring should be time of cleansing our body, our Liver as it is responsible for removing toxins from our blood. This time of the year we should support our Liver with cleansing diet, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables and less frying foods to let it regenerate. Add more sour taste, drink water with lemon and vinegar. Milk Thistle is also good for detoxing your Liver. ⠀
After cleansing the liver you need to nourish it with food like asparagus, goji-berries, bean sprouts, legumes…⠀
Who can benefit from liver cleansing diet? I say everyone….⠀
More information about Liver Cleansing look at Dr Sandra Cabot book “The Liver Cleansing Diet”⠀
If you would like to try acupuncture, come and see me in my clinic, I am based in Caversham, Reading Berkshire, I do also treat in Reading town centre.