Acupuncture During IVF Treatment

More and more people starting to look into holistic approach while trying for a baby.

Treatments like reflexology, aromatherapy, abdominal massage, crystal healing and acupuncture became very popular and rightly so, we need more natural approach into our health and into our fertility also there is more research into acupuncture and how it can help during ART.

Over the years I have had a lot of enquiries regarding support during IVF treatment. Those enquiries are very often few weeks before couple is due to start the stimulation process of IVF or literally two days before transfer.

At short notice I can still help with anxiety through this process, I can help with side effects of the treatment, can aid the stimulation process but there is more that can be done with acupuncture only if patients would have contacted me sooner. I suppose the reason for this blog is making people aware of when is best to start treatment with me and why?

Let me explain what acupuncture can do for your fertility and how can it help if you are going through IVF treatment.

Acupuncture is safe and can improve:

  • Implantation process
  • Improve quality of sperm
  • Can regulate your hormones
  • Regulates menstrual cycle
  • Helps to increase blood flow to the uterus
  • Helps to reduce anxiety and stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces FSH levels

When you decide to start trying for a baby, you probably change your lifestyle, stop smoking, drinking, generally you eat better, you probably have read online or in many fertility books about supplements like folate, preconception supplements, vitamin D, B complex, Iron and many more. As you know for all this to have an impact on your health and health of your follicles or sperm you need to give minimum of 3 month. The same rule applies to acupuncture.

I normally refer to acupuncture as super supplement that you need to take on regular basis for minimum of 3 months to make a change in your body, to regulate your cycle, to nourish your follicles/ sperm and improve quality of your follicles or sperm. Why 3 months?

Because it takes about 100 days to get an egg ready to ovulate, we want the whole maturation process to be in the setting of good nutrition, low toxic exposure, stress management and good blood flow supply to the ovaries thanks to acupuncture. It also takes about 100 days for sperm to be produced so the same amount of time is needed to treat male patients before the couple starts IVF process but also if you are going to try conceiving naturally.

So do not wait till last minute, invest in your health and health of your future baby now.

A little bit about me, I have been specialising in treating fertility issues for both men and women for over 5 years now in Reading area. In the past I have worked with Oxford Fertility Clinic and Thames Valley Fertility Clinic in Maidenhead, which was amazing way of gaining experience in treating patients through IVF process. I also have Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture. Other treatments that I offer are, Crystal healing, Abdominal Sacral Massage and Reflexology.

If you have any other questions about the treatment, please feel free to contact me via my website:

or you can call me on 07766735714

I am based in Caversham, Reading.

I look forward to hearing from you.


If you would like more information about how acupuncture could help you please get in touch.