The Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
With all of the ways people try to improve their skin, acupuncture is the most natural way without lotion or chemicals.
Acupuncture has been around thousands of years. It has been used to help treat bodily pains, headaches, and other symptoms by improving the flow of vital energy, also called chi, throughout the body.
According to Chinese Medicine when the vital energy Chi is blocked and is not running smoothly in the channels called Meridians our body will manifest this with different symptoms like pain, headaches, infertility and many more.
To improve health and to restore smooth flow of the Chi acupuncture needles are being inserted into certain areas. Today, it is used for more than what the Chinese intended it for, including cosmetic improvements.
Cosmetic acupuncture has been popular among many celebrates Like Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian.
How does cosmetic acupuncture work?
Tiny needles are being inserted into bottom epidermis into strategic acu-points. Those tiny needles will cause a micro-trauma and our body send more blood supply to the area with collagen to heal this are and in this process any fine lines will gently fill with collagen. This treatment also increases oxygen flow, which side effects are more nourishment to the skin.
The benefits of cosmetic acupuncture are:
- Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Improves completion by giving glowing skin due to more blood circulation
- Improves acne and scarring
- No side effects and no down-time
- No chemical injections
- Improves overall wellbeing
- Relaxing treatment
- Improves sleep, digestive issues and can help with other health issues.
The amount of needles depends on patient’s requirements; they will be inserted in the face but also in the area of hands and legs to support other health issues as beautiful skin starts within.
Acupuncture is also known to help manage stress and anxiety, releasing toxins from within your nervous system. In terms of number of sessions needed, it is based on the person’s condition and how they respond.
Normally, it is a session a week between the course of six to ten weeks for the effects to show and maintenance is required every few months. But please do not hesitate to contact me for more information as everyone needs different approach to treatment, I am based In Caversham, Reading.
When you Google, “Cosmetic acupuncture near me,” always find out that they are licensed and that it is the legitimate Chinese-type acupuncture you seek.
This ancient procedure has been part of the Asian tradition for centuries and many have adapted to modern-day medicine in what it could help treat. Now, many are concerned about their face and getting rid of nagging acne and straightening those fine lines and people.